Monday, September 26, 2011


Apples are one of my favorite fruits.
Batman has a sidkik named robin.
Camping is kind of cool.
Dogs are one of my favorite animals.
Enjoys people's company
Footbal is one of my favorite sports.
Goes with the flow.
Handiling my buesniess.
Isiah is cool.
Jogging is fun.
Killin and chillin.
Likes to be with his familiy.
Mom is a big part of my life.
Notice small things.
Often is tired
Parents are a good part in my life.
Questions life on mars.
Running is fun for me.
Standing is better then sitting.
Televison is cool when there i something good on.
Uunder pressure is not my thing.
Vaccinations i had them all.
White is ugly to me.
X-ray is a cool product.
You are weird.
Zebras are cool animals.

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